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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

The moral influence that television may have on Nigerian students is a fact of education that the country's educational system has to acknowledge as a behavior and work to solve. A large amount of influence from television has been exerted on a child who has been exposed to this. According to the first statement in Villain (2001), "Media education may result in young people being less sensitive to the adverse impacts of media exposure." There is evidence that children develop more creative thinking skills when they watch television. In addition, the television has evolved into a "member of the family" in almost every home on the face of the planet. And not just any ordinary member of the family, but rather one of the most important ones, due to the fact that the amount of time spent next to it much surpasses the amount of time spent with any other member of the family (Joe, 2003). Monk (1970), for instance, observed that television is the one influence that we all share today that has supplanted the social meetings, religious gatherings, and political festivals that were formerly potent representations. Television is both an indispensable part of the mass media of the modern day and one of the most significant sources of information. A vast audience was equipped thanks to the usage of television. Accessible options include any and all movies, services, soap operas, talk and music programs, musical performances, and sex shows (Ann, 1998). Television, just like every other product of human ingenuity, may look back on a lengthy history and count both its advantages and disadvantages. These days, television has become a constant irritant to our eyes (Bernat, 2000). Unfortunately, the bulk of these individuals are youngsters, and they chew firearms just to have something to put in their mouth. They also watch television to kill time. The fact that children spend less time participating in activities that are essential for both their mental and physical development as a result of watching television has an effect on both their academic performance and their school to learn (Hanz, 2003). Reading, going on hikes in the great outdoors, becoming more knowledgeable about music, and participating in sports should take up the bulk of a student's free time, particularly during the formative years of their lives. In addition, students are spending more time watching television, which contributes to both mental and physical health problems (Chokote, 2001). They have forgotten about the simple pleasures of youth, such as playing in the fields, making sandcastles, flying kites, and the innocence that may be found in being stubborn. At their annual conference that took place over the Easter holiday in 2007, members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers pointed the finger at inappropriate behavior seen on television as a major contributor to the lack of discipline that they face in the classroom. One of the teachers said, "Their behavior perfectly reflects what kids see on television," while another instructor said the same thing. Another instructor said that there is an excessive amount of vulgar language on television. Because it is so widespread, it no longer has a significant influence on shows; as a result, students swear in everyday language as if it were nothing out of the usual. The real-life interaction models that are seen on television are exaggerated and confusing (ESther, 2005). Children learn that they can get what they want by becoming stronger and subjugating their people, that they can become famous by murdering, and that it is acceptable to kill even if you are a "nice" man. In addition, children learn that they can get what they want by becoming stronger and subjugating their people. According to the statistics, a rise in the total amount of time spent in front of the television is directly correlated with an increase in aggressive development (Williams, 2004).

Statement of the Problem

The alarming incidence of moral behavior among youngsters and adolescents at formative ages has reached new heights (Bernard, 2002). This is because viewing unscreened television programs has a harmful impact on one's mental health. In addition, the additional time they spend in front of the television has a negative effect on the academic performance of these children. The objective of this research is to investigate the influence that watching television has on the moral behavior of students.

Objectives of the Study

The goal of this study is to learn about students’ opinions and reactions to television’s impact on their moral behavior. The purpose of the study is also to give suggestions and recommendations based on the findings.

Research Questions

Following is a list of research questions that were addressed in the study as a result of the previous explanation.

  1. Does television have an impact on a student’s moral behavior?
  2. Is there a moral difference between students who indiscriminately watch television and those who do not?
  3. Is it possible for the government to assist in the monitoring and screening of the types of home video produced?
  4. Can parents assist in lowering and monitoring the rate and kind of programming that is watched?
  5. Does watching television have an impact on a student’s academic performance?

Research Hypotheses

H0: Television has no impact on a student’s moral behavior.

H1: Television has an impact on a student’s moral behavior.

Scope of the Study

This study is confined to primary schools since they are the ones who are most affected. The data for this study came from primary schools in the Idah Local Government Area. The objective for this is to ensure that the study sample is sufficiently representative, and it may also cut across all primary schools.

Limitation of Study

The study’s key constraints are time, money, transportation, and supplies. This study was hampered by a lack of funds to complete the project, which resulted in disjointed materials. Additionally, the study did not include samples from all Nigerian primary schools, thus the results may not be representative. The information provided by the subject sample, on the other hand, was used to arrive at the research’s conclusion of finding.

Definition of Term


A television is an electrical device with a screen on which children and adults watch moving picture and sound programs.


Is concerned with the principles of good and bad human behavior.


The impact that someone or something has on how a person thinks or acts, or how something operates or develops.


A person’s actions, especially in relation to others.


Is a young person who has not yet reached adulthood.


Television, radio, and newspapers are the primary sources of information and entertainment for a vast number of people.

Organisations of the Study

The study is categorized into five chapters. The first chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study, research questions and hypothesis, the significance of the study, scope/limitations of the study, and definition of terms.

The chapter two covers the  review of literature with emphasis on conceptual framework, theoretical framework,  and empirical review. Likewise, the chapter three which is the research methodology, specifically covers the research design, population of the study,  sample size determination,  sample size, and selection technique and procedure, research instrument and administration, method of data collection, method of data analysis, validity and reliability of the study, and ethical consideration. The second to last chapter being the chapter four presents the data presentation and analysis, while the last chapter(chapter five) contains the summary, conclusion and recommendation.


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